Anabolic Steroid

Materials Required for Growth Hormone Injection

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The basic equipment you need before the injection is:

  • Growth Hormone Product: It can be in pen form or vial (powder form).
  • Needle Tips or Syringes:
    • For Products with Pen: Microfine BD 4-6 mm long insulin needle tips (0.3-0.5 mm diameter).
    • For Vial Products: Insulin syringes (0.5 or 1 ml capacity) with orange tips (usually 29-31G).
  • Sterile Cotton or Alcohol Wipe
  • Measuring Device for Correct Dosage (Located on the syringe).
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Preparation Steps Before Injection

1. Bring the Product to Room Temperature

  • Growth hormone is usually stored in the refrigerator (+2°C to +8°C). 15-20 minutes ago Remove from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature. Injecting cold medicine may cause tenderness at the injection site.

2. Prepare the Ingredients

  • Make sure that the needle or syringe you will use is single-use. It should be unopened and in sterile packaging.

3. Hygiene and Sterilization

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Clean the injection site (usually around the abdomen) by swabbing it with alcohol.
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Growth Hormone Injection Steps

A. Use of Pen Products

  1. Attach the Needle Tip:
    • Attach the needle tip to the pen by turning it clockwise. Remove the protective cap.
  2. Dosage Adjustment:
    • Turn the dosage knob on the pen to set the unit specified in the prescription (usually IU).
  3. Remove Air Bubbles:
    • Hold the needle facing up and let a few drops of medication come out of the tip to expel any air bubbles in the pen.

B. Vial (Powder) Product Usage

  1. Dissolve the Powder:
    • Wipe the rubber part of the vial with alcohol. Draw the specified amount of sterile water into the syringe with the syringe and inject into the vial. Gently swirl (do not shake vigorously) until the powder is completely dissolved.
  2. Draw the Medication into the Syringe:
    • Turn the vial upside down and withdraw the dose with the syringe. Tap the syringe gently to remove air bubbles and push the plunger to remove excess air.

Injection Technique: Subcutaneous Administration

Determine Injection Site:

  • Abdominal Circumference: Thick areas of fatty tissue 5-6 fingers away from the belly button.
    • Thigh or Arm: Alternatively, the upper thigh or the back of the arm can be used.
    • Avoid skin irritation by changing the site with each injection.

Grasp the Skin:

  • Using your thumb and index finger, gently pinch the skin to create a “fold.” This makes it easier to reach the subcutaneous fat.

Needle Insertion Angle:

  • 90 Degrees: If the needle length is 4-6 mm, insert it at a right angle.
    • 45 Degrees: For thinner needles or those with weak fatty tissue, reduce the angle.

Inject the Medication Slowly:

  • Administer medication by pushing the plunger slowly. Rapid injection may cause local discomfort.

Remove the Needle and Clean the Area:

  • Remove the needle at the same angle and complete the sterilization by gently pressing it with alcohol swab.

Things to Consider After Injection

  • Dispose of Needles and Syringes Safely: Dispose of used needles in a sharps container.
  • Correct Storage Conditions: Store unopened products in the refrigerator and ready-to-use products according to the package insert (some can last up to 28 days at room temperature).

Frequently asked Questions

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Question: What should I do if I feel pain during the injection?
Reply: Insert the needle slowly, rather than quickly. Also, make sure the medication is at room temperature.

Question: Can I inject the same area again?
Reply: Change the area to ensure an even distribution of the fat tissue. The same spot should be used after 1-2 weeks at the earliest.


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Growth hormone injection can be easily applied with the right material and technique. You can complete the process without any problems by paying attention to hygiene, dosage control and area selection. Do not forget to review the relevant resources for detailed product information.

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